Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Set Squares and Trousers - a Quick Thought to Ponder Today

I am a person who likes to ponder. I admit that at times I over-think about most things and indeed it is totally unnecessary in the grand scheme of things but, again, I quite like it. It’s fun (I know it’s a fragment and no I won’t revise).

So here are two thoughts for you to join me in pondering:
· Why is a set square a triangle?
· Why if you ask for a pair of shirts and a pair of trousers do you get two shirts and one “pair” of trousers?

1 comment:

  1. I can answer the second question - trousers evolved from hose, and used to consist of separate garments, worn in pairs (one on each leg).

    Eventually they were linked together and became one item, but the "pair" terminology continued.

    Shirts were always a single item
